Saturday, September 27, 2008

. . . 10 hours of class. . .

After the first week of me teaching classes, I don't have a voice!!! I finally got my schedule for classes late tuesday morning, and I have 5 classes to teach on tuesday and 5 classes to teach on thrusdays... Thursday went well, just about all of my classes cooperated with me, listened and were good students, however, I was left without a voice!!!! My schedule now constists of teachign 10 hours, and working translating 5 hours on wednesdays, plus, working in 3 church plants, being in charge of 3 children's ministries!! I'm sure keeping busy, and God is giving me the strength and understanding each day that I need to do His work!!
Let's see, work in the church plants is taking some shape and form. . . Seeing restults as we devote more time to prayer and fasting for the children and for the churches, communitites. This coming week, Wednesday we are going to have a special service in Punta de Mata for the children where we are going to annoint the children with oil, because the environment there has been very rough. Keep these children in your prayers. They come from poor, broken homes with tough living and family conditions!!
Other news, a last minute decision from my part, this Sunday, tomorrow, I am going to be baptized here in the A Dios Sea La Gloria, church. I talked with Pastor Casto about some doubts I had about baptism and if I needed to be baptized. . I felt an un-easiness so to speak because I hadn't been baptized with my personal decision and conscience. Pastor Casto encouraged me to take advantage of this opportunity!
God is taking me to a new level, higher level spiritually, and it's been a tough process to learn but It's been good, to be able to grow and learn, change. Still learning, stilll growing, still changing. . Learning to spend quality time, real quality time with God daily, to listen clearly to His voice, and follow his calling. Go deeper, into who God really is and fall in love with God. Go deeper in prayer, learn how to pray, how to interecede, be a woman of prayer. (Things may seem very simple, or normal thats what the Christian life is all about, but making each of these REAL in everyday life, wow, what a difference.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love randomly checking up on you and reading how you are! Is your voice back? Did it just need to adjust to being used alot with teaching and translating? I so enjoy reading about how God is continually working in, around, and through you. The daily practice and the affected implications for daily life with the seemingly simple pieces of the Christian faith is an amazing and challenging thing. Keep Rockin' Lady!!! I love you :)