This is a note to all who have been sending money and supporting my time in Venezuela: And everyone else who has supported me with prayers and notes as well..
First of all, Thank you so much, I am very grateful for all of you and what you have made possible this past year. It has been a year of struggles and trials but a year of growth and of seeing the Glory of the Lord, thanks to all of you I had this wonderful opportunity!! I'm saddened to let all of you know that I will not be returning to Venezuela in 2009 for my second year. God is now blessing all of you with the money you have planned to send me, please do not send more money to the mission for my visa term, or send money to me, because I will not be returning or completing my second year of service. More details are available if you contact me personally at
My year in Venezuela ended amazing. God sent so many blessings my way and encouraged me in so many ways. I was able to attend a young lady's 15th birthday party, (which is a huge party with a growing up ceremony), I was able to attend a youth event going to a national park and spend my last saturday with all the youth and enjoy a fabulous time in God's creation, enjoying God's creation. I had the opportunity to preach in one of the church plants my last sunday. . I had all my good-bye services at all the church plants and the best gift of all was that the Youth from the main church threw me a Surprise Good-bye, Going away party!!! It was incredible, about 50 of the youth were there to share, in fellowship and also in blessings - we had a time where each one of the youth made a statement or talked about how I had made an impact on their lives and I also had a chance to encourage them and let them all know how much of a blessing they had been to me. It was a great way to end my year in Venezuela, because many times I felt like I was just running from here to there and never really having time or making a difference in anything and God was able to show me and remind me that even our example can make an impact.. Just a friendly smile, a hug, a Hello, how are you? Makes all the difference to some people. I'm grateful that God used me and that God was glorified. I'm going to miss all the new friends I had made in Venezuela but excited to see what the next step for me is.
I will try to keep everyone posted on where I am and what I am doing. As soon as I know, I will let you all know!! :o) Thank you all again. May God continue pouring out His blessings over your lives and over you generosity!! Spread His love to all!!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Home again. .
Dear All. . . Or All who read this blog. Ha. ha. I'm just writing quickly to inform everyone that I will be home some time in december tenatively, and I will not be returning to Venezuela, next year. I will be home, working in my church, and being with my family. And whatever God has next for my life. I'm excited for this change, and excited to see what God has in store. Thank you to everyone who has been faithful to support me, faithful in prayers.... I apprecited it greatly and I will be in contact with more specific information when I have it available!! I Love you.. Take Care. God Bless.
Love and Prayer.
Love and Prayer.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
~Un Milagro para tu Familia~
Greetings to all! This week has been an amazing week of evangelism and revival type services here in Venezuela. We received a team of 5 Pastors from Puerto Rico, for a week of evangelism in the different churches here in Maturin, and concluded the weekend with a conference. Espectacular! On Tuesday we had the priviledge of choffering Pastor Franklin and accompaning him in Sabana Grande a church plant in a poor section of Maturin. Very powerful message, and a very real presence of the Lord. On Thursday we returned to Sabana Grande with the Pastor Leticia, another great message and outreach to the community. The idea is to bring people to the church. Starting Friday - Sunday all the events took place in the main church, A Dios Sea la Gloria with the pastoral team working together to deliver the message and to minister, pray, intercede! Incredible testimonies. During the week the pastors also ministered here at the school, having a special message for the students and the faculty and staff of the school, a great time of reconciliation, and committment to God and to the school. This weekend more then 200 accepted Christ as their savior, and more then 600 people had a real encounter with the Almighty living God, who still heals people, who still casts out demons, who still frees people from sin!! This weekend people have been healed, people have been set free, people have been visited in a real way by the One and Only God. A God who seeks and saves the lost, and a God who calls us to do the same. To offer hope to the hopeless! God has called us to step it up, go deeper into His heart, to really Feel what he feels, compassion for the lost, to see with His eyes, the spiritual need in the hearts of all, touch with His hands to heal the sick, to preach with His authority - which He gives FREELY to us through His Holy Spirit. We just need to seek to be filled day by day, moment by moment!!!! Step out in faith God has given us all the tools we need to face all our giants, we just need to TRUST and Believe in Him. . He who promised is faithful to complete all that he has promised.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
. . . Moving. . Moved.
Hey, all. Things have been pretty hectic here the past couple weeks - with 2 more incidents with the car, "breaking-in", demolishing the back window, and then tearing apart the door to break into the car - and me waking up, frightening off the robber and then 2 nights later is back trying to steal the battery from the car. Needless to say - after a week of meetings and discussing the situation, Keila and I, moved to an apartment in a more secure part of town. The apartment of a family from the church. After a week of cleaning the house, and moving somethings to the apartment, and cleaning the apartment, moving more things, cleaning the house again, helping Pastor Dan, move into the house. I am finally finding some time to relax.
I am able to sleep well at night and am able to relax and have a little break - while still teaching, and working the in church plants. In the apartment - I have been able to find time to spend more time reading, praying, reading, it's been a great change. Through all of this God remains faithful, and constantly teaching me new things, more things He wants to change in me. Walking everyday in the fruit of the spirit - (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control) Galatians 5:22-23 and covered, protected with the Armor of God - Belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shoes of the gospel of peace, shield of faith, sword of the spirit, and the helmet of salvation. Ephesians 6:10 - . Teaching me the importance of putting on the armor of God - and remaing in prayer at all times. Learning a lot about spiritual warfare - something that a lot of times we blow off as nothing - but learning about the reality and the intensity of the battle, and war that we are in as Christians!! Praise the Lord that we know the ending - We have the Victory in Jesus Christ and the enemy is defeated!!!! May we live each day in victory! May God continue to bless all of you! "Pray without ceasing. . . "
I am able to sleep well at night and am able to relax and have a little break - while still teaching, and working the in church plants. In the apartment - I have been able to find time to spend more time reading, praying, reading, it's been a great change. Through all of this God remains faithful, and constantly teaching me new things, more things He wants to change in me. Walking everyday in the fruit of the spirit - (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control) Galatians 5:22-23 and covered, protected with the Armor of God - Belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, shoes of the gospel of peace, shield of faith, sword of the spirit, and the helmet of salvation. Ephesians 6:10 - . Teaching me the importance of putting on the armor of God - and remaing in prayer at all times. Learning a lot about spiritual warfare - something that a lot of times we blow off as nothing - but learning about the reality and the intensity of the battle, and war that we are in as Christians!! Praise the Lord that we know the ending - We have the Victory in Jesus Christ and the enemy is defeated!!!! May we live each day in victory! May God continue to bless all of you! "Pray without ceasing. . . "
Saturday, September 27, 2008
. . . 10 hours of class. . .
After the first week of me teaching classes, I don't have a voice!!! I finally got my schedule for classes late tuesday morning, and I have 5 classes to teach on tuesday and 5 classes to teach on thrusdays... Thursday went well, just about all of my classes cooperated with me, listened and were good students, however, I was left without a voice!!!! My schedule now constists of teachign 10 hours, and working translating 5 hours on wednesdays, plus, working in 3 church plants, being in charge of 3 children's ministries!! I'm sure keeping busy, and God is giving me the strength and understanding each day that I need to do His work!!
Let's see, work in the church plants is taking some shape and form. . . Seeing restults as we devote more time to prayer and fasting for the children and for the churches, communitites. This coming week, Wednesday we are going to have a special service in Punta de Mata for the children where we are going to annoint the children with oil, because the environment there has been very rough. Keep these children in your prayers. They come from poor, broken homes with tough living and family conditions!!
Other news, a last minute decision from my part, this Sunday, tomorrow, I am going to be baptized here in the A Dios Sea La Gloria, church. I talked with Pastor Casto about some doubts I had about baptism and if I needed to be baptized. . I felt an un-easiness so to speak because I hadn't been baptized with my personal decision and conscience. Pastor Casto encouraged me to take advantage of this opportunity!
God is taking me to a new level, higher level spiritually, and it's been a tough process to learn but It's been good, to be able to grow and learn, change. Still learning, stilll growing, still changing. . Learning to spend quality time, real quality time with God daily, to listen clearly to His voice, and follow his calling. Go deeper, into who God really is and fall in love with God. Go deeper in prayer, learn how to pray, how to interecede, be a woman of prayer. (Things may seem very simple, or normal thats what the Christian life is all about, but making each of these REAL in everyday life, wow, what a difference.)
Let's see, work in the church plants is taking some shape and form. . . Seeing restults as we devote more time to prayer and fasting for the children and for the churches, communitites. This coming week, Wednesday we are going to have a special service in Punta de Mata for the children where we are going to annoint the children with oil, because the environment there has been very rough. Keep these children in your prayers. They come from poor, broken homes with tough living and family conditions!!
Other news, a last minute decision from my part, this Sunday, tomorrow, I am going to be baptized here in the A Dios Sea La Gloria, church. I talked with Pastor Casto about some doubts I had about baptism and if I needed to be baptized. . I felt an un-easiness so to speak because I hadn't been baptized with my personal decision and conscience. Pastor Casto encouraged me to take advantage of this opportunity!
God is taking me to a new level, higher level spiritually, and it's been a tough process to learn but It's been good, to be able to grow and learn, change. Still learning, stilll growing, still changing. . Learning to spend quality time, real quality time with God daily, to listen clearly to His voice, and follow his calling. Go deeper, into who God really is and fall in love with God. Go deeper in prayer, learn how to pray, how to interecede, be a woman of prayer. (Things may seem very simple, or normal thats what the Christian life is all about, but making each of these REAL in everyday life, wow, what a difference.)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
What am I up to now??
Well, and now. . . . Tuesday the 16th, I start classes again, teaching in the school. Unfortunetly I don't know what classes I will be teaching - well what grades. I know I have 1 class of Christian education 2nd grade. . . English classes but I don't know what grades.. Planning is tricky - I feel un-prepared to start classes again. God knows what he is doing. That is the most important. I am finally updating, as well as cleaning the house and all the other maintence that needs done and I just haven't had time to do it. I'm learning and enjoying the importance and intimate time with God, reading his word and praying. How things get done, and how things, people change, is through prayer and fasting. I am learning, slowly but surely to implement these important spiritual disciplines in my daily life. . . How refreshing it is just to be in God's presence, and enjoy His presence.
. . . Caracas . . .
I forgot to mention that our team consisted of Jose, Jhonmar (Jose's brother), and Luis Guillermo. 3 guys and myself, the only girl. We arrived at the church and were greeted by youth and families from the church. They already had our night planned because it was the birthday of one of the girls from the youth group!! We ate an arepa and headed off to the house. I was kinda tired from the bus ride. For the most part felt okay. We had a time of worship and sharing the word in this house and the only thing I could do was cry. Through out the entire week, everytime I was in the presence of God, the only thing I could do was cry. God changing my heart, working in my character, and my love for Him. The week was filled with prayer, fasting, evangelism, house visits, evangelism, arepas, pasta, arepas, pasta, arepas and more pasta. It was a time were God called me farther out of my comfort zone,to pray with people, to bring a word of encouragement to people. The leaders in Caracas asked me to pray, to give a word. God glorified himself. Most of all changed my heart toward Caracas, and Venezuela. . . gave me more of a passion, more desire to pray, and to be in communion with God. To end the trip we had a little connection to attend a Jesus Adrian Romero Concert - an amazing worship leader!!
WEEK FOUR: Arriving back from Caracas monday morning, resting a little, wednesday work with childrens ministries, thrusday I'm asked to help with a children's camp, helping with planning and preparations for childrens camp. Friday same, and seminar to attend about finances and leadership and childrens ministry to lead. . . Began problems with electricity here in the entire country, where the electricity will go out randomly for minutes, to hours. .
WEEK FIVE: Monday first day of children's camp - my job to be incharge of the 5 year olds. Lead the class, the crafts, and stay with the 5 year olds. No one shows up for the welcome, songs, to start - kids are running in the sanctuary, being kids. I lead games and songs as intro, divided into the classes, gave the class, in the afternoon they asked me to lead games and recreation, . . . . following day. . . . all over again I became 'in charge' of everything. . . . At the end of 2 full days working with kids I was exhausted!!! Wednesday work with childrens ministry, thrusday arrived a Pastor and his son from the United states, and Friday began Missions conference. Thrusday - Monday, spent just about all day every day translating!!!!!!!!!!!! Through all of this God is showing me how he wants to use me, He wants me to step up and allow Himself to work through me. The gentle reminder that I am just a tool that God wants to use, I am just clay in the potters hands. If I allow God to use me, if I forget about myself, my gifts and talents, my fears, and weaknesses and just let God use me how He wants to, He receives the Glory and the Honor. . . That's how our lives should be.
WEEK FOUR: Arriving back from Caracas monday morning, resting a little, wednesday work with childrens ministries, thrusday I'm asked to help with a children's camp, helping with planning and preparations for childrens camp. Friday same, and seminar to attend about finances and leadership and childrens ministry to lead. . . Began problems with electricity here in the entire country, where the electricity will go out randomly for minutes, to hours. .
WEEK FIVE: Monday first day of children's camp - my job to be incharge of the 5 year olds. Lead the class, the crafts, and stay with the 5 year olds. No one shows up for the welcome, songs, to start - kids are running in the sanctuary, being kids. I lead games and songs as intro, divided into the classes, gave the class, in the afternoon they asked me to lead games and recreation, . . . . following day. . . . all over again I became 'in charge' of everything. . . . At the end of 2 full days working with kids I was exhausted!!! Wednesday work with childrens ministry, thrusday arrived a Pastor and his son from the United states, and Friday began Missions conference. Thrusday - Monday, spent just about all day every day translating!!!!!!!!!!!! Through all of this God is showing me how he wants to use me, He wants me to step up and allow Himself to work through me. The gentle reminder that I am just a tool that God wants to use, I am just clay in the potters hands. If I allow God to use me, if I forget about myself, my gifts and talents, my fears, and weaknesses and just let God use me how He wants to, He receives the Glory and the Honor. . . That's how our lives should be.
5 or 6 weeks later. . . .
I have had a pretty eventful past couple months actually.. 6 weeks. The WEEK ONE: I was on "vacation" to the mountains, called La Colonia Tovar. It is a German settlement, and now a toursit town, where all the buildings have a german look, white with black lines.. It was a good time I enjoyed the 'cool' temperature, and the refreshing coolness of the mountains. The landscape was amazing, breathtaking. However, it was a time where I was wreslting, as I wanted to go on vacation to relax, and refresh my spirit, to spend time with God kinda as a retreat, and to me God was silent. . . Through His silence He was preparing me for the weeks to come and the events that were to come!!
We return home from the Colonia, about 8 hour car adventure, through mountains, curves, tunnels, and Caracas (the capital city). Back to work, in one of the church plants with the childrens ministry. And for me more work preparing a seminar for youth to teach, train youth about missions. . . Deciding what was the most important to share, and how to deliver the message, took time preparing.
WEEK TWO: Missions training - I go to the church to help out with missions training and to my surprise they don't have ANY help, so during my week of vacation - God was talking to me about this missions training and even though I am ''on vacation" for this time - I felt him telling me, "Heidi, you are here to help and to serve, be willing to help in any and all areas that you can." SO I told the young man who was in charge, Jose Noguera, that hey, I'm willing to help in whatever, the house, the car, cooking, leading games, leading a team - if you need leaders etc. So he put me in the kitchen to help cook, then run errands, then put me in charge of team building games and activities, plus the missions class that I was in charge of, and to be a co- leader of a team. I was okay there were a lot of leaders need and a lot of different cities that they were going to so I was okay with that b/c there was one city that I didn't want to go to. . . CARACAS was the only city/ trip I didn't want to go on. Tuesday I give my first class and the youth are great very responsive very eager to learn and to serve. And Tuesday night as we were closing the day, the guy with the list to team leaders and places was sitting next to me, and I saw part of the list so I was like, Hey let me see that list. . . In my heart, I knew, one of those feelings, my name is going to be next to the city of Caracas. Sure enough, there it was Caracas - Jose Noguera, Heidi Hoover. I knew, that it was God sending me to Caracas, I didn't understand why. But I understood that it was GOD. The rest of the week was great with training, getting to know more youth of the church, sharing with them, talking to them. Also time to prepare and pack for Caracas, help send off the other missions teams.
WEEK THREE: Caracas - We leave at 8:00 in the morning for a long 8 hour bus ride to Caracas. The whole bus Jose was talking with me, asking me questions, and sharing a lot of things. We were sitting right where the name of the bus was so we couldn't see any of the scenery.. We arrive in Caracas and I'm expecting tons, and tons of people and crowds that are horrible. We arrive and 2 leaders from the church are waiting for us at the bus terminal to guide us through Caracas, to the metro - subway, and to the church. . The subway, not bad either - it actually reminded me of Santiago, Chile.
We return home from the Colonia, about 8 hour car adventure, through mountains, curves, tunnels, and Caracas (the capital city). Back to work, in one of the church plants with the childrens ministry. And for me more work preparing a seminar for youth to teach, train youth about missions. . . Deciding what was the most important to share, and how to deliver the message, took time preparing.
WEEK TWO: Missions training - I go to the church to help out with missions training and to my surprise they don't have ANY help, so during my week of vacation - God was talking to me about this missions training and even though I am ''on vacation" for this time - I felt him telling me, "Heidi, you are here to help and to serve, be willing to help in any and all areas that you can." SO I told the young man who was in charge, Jose Noguera, that hey, I'm willing to help in whatever, the house, the car, cooking, leading games, leading a team - if you need leaders etc. So he put me in the kitchen to help cook, then run errands, then put me in charge of team building games and activities, plus the missions class that I was in charge of, and to be a co- leader of a team. I was okay there were a lot of leaders need and a lot of different cities that they were going to so I was okay with that b/c there was one city that I didn't want to go to. . . CARACAS was the only city/ trip I didn't want to go on. Tuesday I give my first class and the youth are great very responsive very eager to learn and to serve. And Tuesday night as we were closing the day, the guy with the list to team leaders and places was sitting next to me, and I saw part of the list so I was like, Hey let me see that list. . . In my heart, I knew, one of those feelings, my name is going to be next to the city of Caracas. Sure enough, there it was Caracas - Jose Noguera, Heidi Hoover. I knew, that it was God sending me to Caracas, I didn't understand why. But I understood that it was GOD. The rest of the week was great with training, getting to know more youth of the church, sharing with them, talking to them. Also time to prepare and pack for Caracas, help send off the other missions teams.
WEEK THREE: Caracas - We leave at 8:00 in the morning for a long 8 hour bus ride to Caracas. The whole bus Jose was talking with me, asking me questions, and sharing a lot of things. We were sitting right where the name of the bus was so we couldn't see any of the scenery.. We arrive in Caracas and I'm expecting tons, and tons of people and crowds that are horrible. We arrive and 2 leaders from the church are waiting for us at the bus terminal to guide us through Caracas, to the metro - subway, and to the church. . The subway, not bad either - it actually reminded me of Santiago, Chile.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Things are going well here.. Settling down. The students are on vacation here, the 'teachers' still are finishing up the school year until the 29th of July. I am still working at the school, helping with International Child Care, to get my schedule for the next year, my plan is to begin preparing now. Now, that I know how the school works, how the students are, and ideas of how classes run as well. I am also taking this time of 'vacation' to reflect, evaluate - to be changing things for the new school year. Wanting to work better with the children's ministries as well. One thing, that you all can help with is pray for the children and the churches to help the ministries grow, but grow not in numbers necesarily but grow in depth and knowledge of Christ, that the children's hearts, minds will be opened and transformed by God's love! I want to be able to minister work with these children - in the way God wants to work. My prayer right now is, God give me direction and clarity in how YOU want to work in these children's ministries and what does that mean for me? What do I need to do? What do I need to change? Each group has about 20-30 children consistently.
God likes to show us sometimes, how much we take for granted. For example: running water? Right? We went for a time about 3 - 4 weeks without running water in the house. Why? Well, many reasons but the one I want to focus on is that God wanted us to be able to appreciate and be grateful for running water! We take for granted the luxury of being able to turn on the spicket and water come running out of it, or to take a shower turn the knob and we can bathe. Many people have to carry by the bucket water in to the house, bathe from a bucket, have to put water in the comode to flush the toilet, and then find water to wash your hands. I'm grateful to say that we do have running water in the house once again!! It's a blessing to have water!!!
God likes to work in mysterious ways, it's hard many time to understand how He works or Why He does things the way he does but there's always a plan and a purpose and when we finally understand that we can look back and enjoy the blessing that come from each circumstance.
Sunday, I had the opportunity to go to an Alex Campos concert, Alex Campos, is kinda like a Jeremy Camp, famous Christian musician in Latin America. My first concert here in Venezuela. Definetly a cultural experience, the concert was held in a baseball stadium, where people were lined up all the way around the stadium to get in. The group I went with, basically cut infront of the line setting up a system to send 1 or 2 people from the group in at a time with the rest of the line, until everyone met inside the stadium to sit. Interesting. The concert itself 'normal' concert, something very surprising and humble took place as well. In the middle of the concert the head of management of the company that put on the concert took the stage to ask forgiveness and to apologize publically because Daniel Calvetti a Chris Tomin type singer more worship, was supposed to come as well, but because of problems with the plane tickets he couldn't make it. It was impressive to see the sincerity of the apology and they way Alex Campos performed like 2 concerts instead of just 'His' part to cover for and make up for Daniel Calvetti not being able to come! It was really good concert!!
There are always lots of lessons to learn from many places!! May God continue blessing you all.
God likes to show us sometimes, how much we take for granted. For example: running water? Right? We went for a time about 3 - 4 weeks without running water in the house. Why? Well, many reasons but the one I want to focus on is that God wanted us to be able to appreciate and be grateful for running water! We take for granted the luxury of being able to turn on the spicket and water come running out of it, or to take a shower turn the knob and we can bathe. Many people have to carry by the bucket water in to the house, bathe from a bucket, have to put water in the comode to flush the toilet, and then find water to wash your hands. I'm grateful to say that we do have running water in the house once again!! It's a blessing to have water!!!
God likes to work in mysterious ways, it's hard many time to understand how He works or Why He does things the way he does but there's always a plan and a purpose and when we finally understand that we can look back and enjoy the blessing that come from each circumstance.
Sunday, I had the opportunity to go to an Alex Campos concert, Alex Campos, is kinda like a Jeremy Camp, famous Christian musician in Latin America. My first concert here in Venezuela. Definetly a cultural experience, the concert was held in a baseball stadium, where people were lined up all the way around the stadium to get in. The group I went with, basically cut infront of the line setting up a system to send 1 or 2 people from the group in at a time with the rest of the line, until everyone met inside the stadium to sit. Interesting. The concert itself 'normal' concert, something very surprising and humble took place as well. In the middle of the concert the head of management of the company that put on the concert took the stage to ask forgiveness and to apologize publically because Daniel Calvetti a Chris Tomin type singer more worship, was supposed to come as well, but because of problems with the plane tickets he couldn't make it. It was impressive to see the sincerity of the apology and they way Alex Campos performed like 2 concerts instead of just 'His' part to cover for and make up for Daniel Calvetti not being able to come! It was really good concert!!
There are always lots of lessons to learn from many places!! May God continue blessing you all.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Forgive me, for not updating.
As a now look at the date, I see it has been a good month since I have updated. Please don't think I have forgotten about all of you, or forgotten English, or anything. To tell you the truth, I have been busy, my life in many ways has been a roller coaster, not know where I was going to be from day to day. God testing me, trying me, probing me, breaking my heart, testing further my obedience, and my dedication to Him. In His mysterious ways, confirming that He has called me here, and no one can revoke the call he has placed on my life.
Recovering from the shock of we are moving you, no you are staying, I enter into a new level of shock and insecurity, as one night while we are sleeping robbers break into our garage, climb the fence, break into our car and steal our system from the car. Sure, it was a decent cd player, system, that's not the part that bothers me, what bothers / bothered me is the fact that they broke in so easily and the insecurity!!! Friday night, our next door neighbors are robbed as they are entering their house, they are held at gun point, demanded to give them all their money and any firearms that were in the house. More insecurity.
Strange as it sounds, this is part of the culture here, life here, it happens so often and police don't do anythign about it here. Part of my learning, missionary experience here is learning this part of life, learning that the only security comes from faith, and trusting every minute of your life to God. Trusting that every step of you take is in God's hands, lead and directed by Him. Tough lessons, strong lessons for me. Things for me to overcome, things to help me grow.
Recovering from the shock of we are moving you, no you are staying, I enter into a new level of shock and insecurity, as one night while we are sleeping robbers break into our garage, climb the fence, break into our car and steal our system from the car. Sure, it was a decent cd player, system, that's not the part that bothers me, what bothers / bothered me is the fact that they broke in so easily and the insecurity!!! Friday night, our next door neighbors are robbed as they are entering their house, they are held at gun point, demanded to give them all their money and any firearms that were in the house. More insecurity.
Strange as it sounds, this is part of the culture here, life here, it happens so often and police don't do anythign about it here. Part of my learning, missionary experience here is learning this part of life, learning that the only security comes from faith, and trusting every minute of your life to God. Trusting that every step of you take is in God's hands, lead and directed by Him. Tough lessons, strong lessons for me. Things for me to overcome, things to help me grow.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Changes, and More Changes.
Be Flexible right? Ready for change. Willing to change? After beginning to adjust to the differeces of living with a person, working together with a person, working through differences and accepting differences. . I have to do it all over again. This has been a long week, a tough week. I'm here in venezuela God and I. My 'ministry partner' Lori, returned the the States this thursday to being work, and studies at Asbury Seminary. Now, I'm the only american working here with the churches... I have to learn to adjust again to living with a new person with new likes, dislikes, to learn about her and how to live with her, work together with her. To plan with her, get children's ministry working with her. I also have to adjust to not having my big brother here, Erick Gonzalez, left last night for Caracas, Sunday he will be flying to the States to get married and live in Indiana.. As it is a dream come true for him, it deepens my dependence on God. Now, I don't have someone to go to if something breaks in the house, or if something is wrong with the car, or someone close - (across the street) - to talk to or do something with.. Someone who looks out for me, watches the house and makes sure everything is okay...
It is a lot of changes and a lot more responsibility for me at once.. With continual stress and adjustments to culture, losing the only ones who understand my culture. Right now, having to learn, to transition, to orgainze, plan, prepare and call on, rely on, count on people from here to help me... Encourage them to help me, teach them how they can help me. That's hard for me - just hard for me to express a lot of times b/c for me things seem obvious - like that's automatically - common sense what I would do, but people can't read my mind - so I'm learning to express and communicate here with the culture and how things are. . . .
Life certainly hasn't been dull here - lots of things going on - there has been culture shock just adjustments for me - issues with my visa, a car crash, fixing the house, fixing the car, walking places. Looking back on the past month there are infinite ways that God has been taking care of me a looking out for me. About 3 weeks ago now, 12:30 at night I hear this crash but I think nothing of it b/c the neighbors are always making noise, exploding things, etc. . . I wake up in the morning, and Lori and Keila are sitting in the kitchen like scared, and Lori gets up, and opens the door to the room where I USED to sleep, and there's the car in the wall, with a big hole in the wall to the house. They hit the house with the car. Only through the grace of God - I remained calm and was like well we need to fix it, get to work and fix it.. Not getting mad, upset, leaving the house... My reaction was lets resolve the problem, (that's not normally how I react) but wow God is definitely working in me. Erick came over in the after noon to cement block to cover the hole in the wall.. and Sunday we took the car to the shop - to get it repaired. . . . the car was in the shop for a week. Challenges, trials, everywhere - but God is good. If I had not moved to the other room - the car would have crashed with my head.
I have a lot of work to do - my work load is that of 3 or 4 people really but only through the strength that God gives me is the work getting done - If I were to say it was by my own strength, I would be burnt out seriously. In charge of 6 English classes, 1 Christian education class, in charge of 3 children's ministries and 1 girls bible study.
Keep me in your prayers now, mostly struggling with feeling alone. Notes of encouragement would be amazing!! Thanks... Thank you for all your prayers.. Take Care. God Bless.. I Love You. .
It is a lot of changes and a lot more responsibility for me at once.. With continual stress and adjustments to culture, losing the only ones who understand my culture. Right now, having to learn, to transition, to orgainze, plan, prepare and call on, rely on, count on people from here to help me... Encourage them to help me, teach them how they can help me. That's hard for me - just hard for me to express a lot of times b/c for me things seem obvious - like that's automatically - common sense what I would do, but people can't read my mind - so I'm learning to express and communicate here with the culture and how things are. . . .
Life certainly hasn't been dull here - lots of things going on - there has been culture shock just adjustments for me - issues with my visa, a car crash, fixing the house, fixing the car, walking places. Looking back on the past month there are infinite ways that God has been taking care of me a looking out for me. About 3 weeks ago now, 12:30 at night I hear this crash but I think nothing of it b/c the neighbors are always making noise, exploding things, etc. . . I wake up in the morning, and Lori and Keila are sitting in the kitchen like scared, and Lori gets up, and opens the door to the room where I USED to sleep, and there's the car in the wall, with a big hole in the wall to the house. They hit the house with the car. Only through the grace of God - I remained calm and was like well we need to fix it, get to work and fix it.. Not getting mad, upset, leaving the house... My reaction was lets resolve the problem, (that's not normally how I react) but wow God is definitely working in me. Erick came over in the after noon to cement block to cover the hole in the wall.. and Sunday we took the car to the shop - to get it repaired. . . . the car was in the shop for a week. Challenges, trials, everywhere - but God is good. If I had not moved to the other room - the car would have crashed with my head.
I have a lot of work to do - my work load is that of 3 or 4 people really but only through the strength that God gives me is the work getting done - If I were to say it was by my own strength, I would be burnt out seriously. In charge of 6 English classes, 1 Christian education class, in charge of 3 children's ministries and 1 girls bible study.
Keep me in your prayers now, mostly struggling with feeling alone. Notes of encouragement would be amazing!! Thanks... Thank you for all your prayers.. Take Care. God Bless.. I Love You. .
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Life without Paul and Sue
On Monday, Paul and Sue - the missionaries I have been living with- returned to the U.S. Life has changed a little since then. I am now learning to live with Lori - it´s always an adjustment to learn how to live with someone. There has been a little stress as well. As Paul and Sue left, the airport officials actually reviewed their VISAS and were told that they are not allowd to return to Venezuela for 3 years. As laws become strict and enforced here, that means changes for me as well. The culture here is accustomed to not following the rules, but so it has caused more frustrations for me as well. Pray for my VISA.
Well, I have more responsiblities now, taking care of the house, cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, taking care of the car, getting it fixed, making sure everything is okay in the house.. It´s a lot of learning and making the most, taking advantage and being motivated to work and assume the responsibilities.
Ministry and work are also going well. In school I have run across tactics that work to make teaching easier, less stressful and keeps the students involved... Ministry is going well as well. learning how to do ministry, being observant, and just patient to allow God to work.... My time is runnin out here so .. i am going to go.. i´ll post more later.. Take Care. God Bless... In Love and Prayer...
Well, I have more responsiblities now, taking care of the house, cooking, cleaning, grocery shopping, taking care of the car, getting it fixed, making sure everything is okay in the house.. It´s a lot of learning and making the most, taking advantage and being motivated to work and assume the responsibilities.
Ministry and work are also going well. In school I have run across tactics that work to make teaching easier, less stressful and keeps the students involved... Ministry is going well as well. learning how to do ministry, being observant, and just patient to allow God to work.... My time is runnin out here so .. i am going to go.. i´ll post more later.. Take Care. God Bless... In Love and Prayer...
Saturday, April 26, 2008
God hears and Answers prayers. Amen!
A testimony to God's faithfulness, to His Healing power, and to increase your faith. God hears and answers our prayers.
Last week I asked you to be praying for Fabiola, a 12 year old girl with a serious illness. After 23 days without being able to eat or drink. This week, Fabiola is now drinking water, eating soup, crackers, starting to eat bread. Tuesday the family was there and the nurse was telling them they were going to look for donors to begin a blood transfusion for Fabiola, and her uncle, Abigail, said "No, Fabiola doesn't need a blood transfusion, she has the blood of Christ!" The following day, her blood tests all came back normal, blood counts normal, everything! The Lord has glorified himself in Her life, and her family!! She is a living testimony of God's healing power and the truth that God still performs miracles. She is also a testimony to each and every one of you who lifted up prayers for her and her life. The Lord has answered our prayers and continues to answer the prayers of His people!!!! Thanks for your prayers and may you all be encouraged that God is in control, God is listening, and God is answering your prayers!!!! May God continue to bless you as you all serve him!
Last week I asked you to be praying for Fabiola, a 12 year old girl with a serious illness. After 23 days without being able to eat or drink. This week, Fabiola is now drinking water, eating soup, crackers, starting to eat bread. Tuesday the family was there and the nurse was telling them they were going to look for donors to begin a blood transfusion for Fabiola, and her uncle, Abigail, said "No, Fabiola doesn't need a blood transfusion, she has the blood of Christ!" The following day, her blood tests all came back normal, blood counts normal, everything! The Lord has glorified himself in Her life, and her family!! She is a living testimony of God's healing power and the truth that God still performs miracles. She is also a testimony to each and every one of you who lifted up prayers for her and her life. The Lord has answered our prayers and continues to answer the prayers of His people!!!! Thanks for your prayers and may you all be encouraged that God is in control, God is listening, and God is answering your prayers!!!! May God continue to bless you as you all serve him!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Recovery. Soccer team. Ministry.
"I will fulfill my purposes for you. . " Psalm 138:8 - This has been a verse that has encouraged me and kept me going here. To trust and confide in this promise of God, that he is going to complete, fulfill his purpose for me. That He does have me here in Venezuela for a purpose and He is going to complete that purpose, if I allow him of course. I am well on the road to recovery, eating all the time, starting to gain weight back that I lost. Starting back teaching classes in the school, and full time in ministry with the 3 different church plants, plus evangelism events and special aniversary events. God is giving me the strength, the encouragement, the peace and joy to be here and working for him. The children's ministries are growing, we are changing our focus a little to involve the people of the church, to train, and prepare people for the church to be able to take over the childrens ministry so when we leave the ministry can continue!!!! I have spent a lot of time lately just in God's presence reading the Bible, spending time in praying, and intentionally making time to spend with God - knowing that that is where my strength comes from.
We are looking for more creative ways, and creative things to incorporate with children's ministry to change things up a little bit and do something different with the children, the problem of resources still remains, here there are very little rescources of crafts, material, for the workers and children to use!
Other news, the girls from the main church are creating a women's soccer team and invited, asked, wanted me to play with them, join the team. I went to play with them on monday. It was a good time, a lot of fun. I haven't played soccer in years, so I need a lot of practice to be able to play with them. Not to mention I was sore for about 3 days maybe 4 days after playing! It is a great opportunity to get to know other girls from the church and encourage them. Part of the vision of the team is to have a devotional and encourage each other in the Lord as well as have a good time playing soccer!!
I am going to ask you all to continue to be in prayer for ministry partner for me, as time is running down, Paul and Sue leave in 2 weeks, Lori leaves in 5 weeks - that leaves me with the responsibility of all work and ministry to myself!! I need help. They do have a person to stay at the house with me, Keila, but she has a lot of responsibility of her own studying in college, working, and being Director of Missions and Evangelism at a conference level here in Venezuela, she is in charge of the church plants and all the cell groups here!!! I still do not have people to help me with, travel with me to the church plants and work in children ministry! Pray for God to raise up these people!!!
Another prayer request, I am going to ask for praying on behalf of Fabiola she is a 12 year old girl who is a part of one of our churches in plantation, she has been in the hospital for 16 days with an inflamed, swollen pancrease, she has not been able to eat, or drink, she is on IV, and they just implemented a feeding tube, she has been vomiting, (even though there is no food in her) and started nose bleeds as well. Her family her mother is not christian but is open to people coming and praying for her, and reading the Bible - this has been a very hard time for the family, and extended family - they would all appreciate your prayers!!!
I hope you all are well.. Take Care.. May God continue to bless all of you!
We are looking for more creative ways, and creative things to incorporate with children's ministry to change things up a little bit and do something different with the children, the problem of resources still remains, here there are very little rescources of crafts, material, for the workers and children to use!
Other news, the girls from the main church are creating a women's soccer team and invited, asked, wanted me to play with them, join the team. I went to play with them on monday. It was a good time, a lot of fun. I haven't played soccer in years, so I need a lot of practice to be able to play with them. Not to mention I was sore for about 3 days maybe 4 days after playing! It is a great opportunity to get to know other girls from the church and encourage them. Part of the vision of the team is to have a devotional and encourage each other in the Lord as well as have a good time playing soccer!!
I am going to ask you all to continue to be in prayer for ministry partner for me, as time is running down, Paul and Sue leave in 2 weeks, Lori leaves in 5 weeks - that leaves me with the responsibility of all work and ministry to myself!! I need help. They do have a person to stay at the house with me, Keila, but she has a lot of responsibility of her own studying in college, working, and being Director of Missions and Evangelism at a conference level here in Venezuela, she is in charge of the church plants and all the cell groups here!!! I still do not have people to help me with, travel with me to the church plants and work in children ministry! Pray for God to raise up these people!!!
Another prayer request, I am going to ask for praying on behalf of Fabiola she is a 12 year old girl who is a part of one of our churches in plantation, she has been in the hospital for 16 days with an inflamed, swollen pancrease, she has not been able to eat, or drink, she is on IV, and they just implemented a feeding tube, she has been vomiting, (even though there is no food in her) and started nose bleeds as well. Her family her mother is not christian but is open to people coming and praying for her, and reading the Bible - this has been a very hard time for the family, and extended family - they would all appreciate your prayers!!!
I hope you all are well.. Take Care.. May God continue to bless all of you!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
I'm still alive.
The past couple weeks have been good and bad. Fighting with the car. The car one. It died, quit working, wouldn't start, not even a click. . . No way to get anywhere. To get stuff that we need. I was also a youth camp for 4 days which was a great time. Meet a lot of people, recieved a lot of challenging words. Now - feel like I have a big decision to make. I don't want to elaborate right now - just be in prayer please. I don't understand the way God works or what God is trying to say. I need to make a decision not by feeling or not b/c I'm at a weakpoint and feel like giving up or because someting better came along but because that's how God ordainded.
The past couple weeks have consisted of, spending each day of the week in a different mecanic working on a different problem of the car, and finding a new problem with the car. And once everyone says yeah it's fixed and everythings good - we went to a couple stores close by and we went to start the car to go home and it wouldn't start, checked the battery but the battery was charged and good. . . and well I don't know what the problem was but no one could get it to start, we 'towed' it to the church to park it, because the next day we were going to camp - I was fine didn't care about the car excited about Camp. Camp was on the beach with tents about 215 youth!!!!! We had 3 bathrooms this time and 2 showers!!!!!! Playing on the beach, volleyball, soccer, talking, joking around, . . . . . worship, workshops, and evening services with challenging messages - "Enfocate" - Focus. Being healed of past hurts, being complete, being focused on God. Good food, no - bad food camp food - (if you think pville is bad wow you got another thing coming!!) The most important is meeting with God and God meeting me there - now coming home (sick, sicker then I have ever been in my life) but now taking this time to reflect, dig, transform things in my life that God is showing me.
Life lessons for me right now: 1. Don't spend much time in the sun. (heat exhaustion)
2. Bring lots of water no matter how heavy or how much stuff you have. Drink lots of water always. Don't trust camp juice! (they use bad water)
3. Always get plenty of rest.
Being sick the past 5 days, has been tough for me. (I'm rarely sick) This is the first time I have been sick here too. When I get sick, I get sick - honestly this is the sickest I have even been in my life to the point I wasn't even keeping water in my body. Tuesday I started to retain water, juices and simple foods. I was up all night b/c I couldn't sleep my stomach hurt so bad. . . Wednesday - terrible pain in my stomach, that made me not want to eat but continued with my juices and water.
Today - thursday - woke up well ever hour last night to go the bathroom, get more water, calm my stomach. . Now about noon, I'm feeling okay drinking water successfully eating small things. And am feeling hungry and capable of eating.
At these points is here home wow it's true there is no place like home. I know what I can eat, what I can buy, what I can do to make me feel better, here no? At home I have people who take care of me here? Yeh, there has been one family that has taken care of me. I am very grateful for this family. (The Caripe family. )
The past couple weeks have consisted of, spending each day of the week in a different mecanic working on a different problem of the car, and finding a new problem with the car. And once everyone says yeah it's fixed and everythings good - we went to a couple stores close by and we went to start the car to go home and it wouldn't start, checked the battery but the battery was charged and good. . . and well I don't know what the problem was but no one could get it to start, we 'towed' it to the church to park it, because the next day we were going to camp - I was fine didn't care about the car excited about Camp. Camp was on the beach with tents about 215 youth!!!!! We had 3 bathrooms this time and 2 showers!!!!!! Playing on the beach, volleyball, soccer, talking, joking around, . . . . . worship, workshops, and evening services with challenging messages - "Enfocate" - Focus. Being healed of past hurts, being complete, being focused on God. Good food, no - bad food camp food - (if you think pville is bad wow you got another thing coming!!) The most important is meeting with God and God meeting me there - now coming home (sick, sicker then I have ever been in my life) but now taking this time to reflect, dig, transform things in my life that God is showing me.
Life lessons for me right now: 1. Don't spend much time in the sun. (heat exhaustion)
2. Bring lots of water no matter how heavy or how much stuff you have. Drink lots of water always. Don't trust camp juice! (they use bad water)
3. Always get plenty of rest.
Being sick the past 5 days, has been tough for me. (I'm rarely sick) This is the first time I have been sick here too. When I get sick, I get sick - honestly this is the sickest I have even been in my life to the point I wasn't even keeping water in my body. Tuesday I started to retain water, juices and simple foods. I was up all night b/c I couldn't sleep my stomach hurt so bad. . . Wednesday - terrible pain in my stomach, that made me not want to eat but continued with my juices and water.
Today - thursday - woke up well ever hour last night to go the bathroom, get more water, calm my stomach. . Now about noon, I'm feeling okay drinking water successfully eating small things. And am feeling hungry and capable of eating.
At these points is here home wow it's true there is no place like home. I know what I can eat, what I can buy, what I can do to make me feel better, here no? At home I have people who take care of me here? Yeh, there has been one family that has taken care of me. I am very grateful for this family. (The Caripe family. )
Sunday, March 9, 2008
It's been awhile again since I have written. My time keeps filling faster and faster and more things, My schedule is more full.. Church, Seminary, teaching classes, tuesdays - cell group of teenage girls, classes, wed Punta de Mata - working with children, classes, thrusday 'free', friday work with children, and youth at Sabana Grande, saturday work with children at La Toscana. Not counting time to plan lessons, plan children's programs, etc.. clean the house, cook food, take care of the care, clean my room.... Here in Venezuela everything takes longer then in the States - it is a processes. Nothing is 'easily' accessible. It took a 1/2 day to find a place to repair a tire, and they have to order the tire we need from a distributor and won't have the car actually fixed until tuesday - that is if everything goes well!! I am realizing I am not as patient, or flexible as I thought.. I need a different kind of patience and flexibility. Everything here is based on relationships, not tasks - accomplishing the tasks, planning the tasks - it's just wing it, the relationships and time talking is more important. At times that is hard for me b/c I feel like I need to plan and be well prepared in order for me to give my best, so I feel like I am not doing my best b/c I do not have enough time to plan or prepare. It's challenging. Slowly, I will easy into I think.
What has been going on in my life? Well, Yes Tuesday the 4th was my birthday. 1st birthday in a different country, I received many text messages, and greetings.. I had good day over all.. A hard day b/c it was different.. but good. I was ready for the day to be over and they had a surprise party for me. I was very overwhelmed, but grateful for the friends who wanted the best for my birthday!
I am getting along well with Lori, the missionary who is here to help me, guide me, show me the ropes, be my ministry partner. We usually split the work 50/50 if someone is having a rough day the other takes over. I have learned alot, she is a very outgoing, center of attention person and well I'm the opposite and so I let her take over a lot.. Maybe I should take initiative more times. I still have time though - just taking things one step at a time. I need to learn a lot more children's songs in spanish, childrens activities, and stories. Fun things to do with limited resources!! Any ideas, materials - PLEASE send them my way!
God still teaching me alot.. About myself, about himself, and about the work he as for me! I have a lot in me I need to change still. It's all a process - Still reminded of the importance to spending time daily with Him - He is my source of strength and if I don't tap into the source, I have nothing to give. I have attitudes, perspectives, and other things I need to change... Culture shock, clashes, that I need to get over, get through. Confidence to build.
No, adventures lately. I am doing well. Things are going well. Just very busy right now. I hope all is well... Sent me notes, messages, a line to let me hear from you, know how you are, what's going on... Take Care.. God Bless.. I love you all.. Miss you all...
What has been going on in my life? Well, Yes Tuesday the 4th was my birthday. 1st birthday in a different country, I received many text messages, and greetings.. I had good day over all.. A hard day b/c it was different.. but good. I was ready for the day to be over and they had a surprise party for me. I was very overwhelmed, but grateful for the friends who wanted the best for my birthday!
I am getting along well with Lori, the missionary who is here to help me, guide me, show me the ropes, be my ministry partner. We usually split the work 50/50 if someone is having a rough day the other takes over. I have learned alot, she is a very outgoing, center of attention person and well I'm the opposite and so I let her take over a lot.. Maybe I should take initiative more times. I still have time though - just taking things one step at a time. I need to learn a lot more children's songs in spanish, childrens activities, and stories. Fun things to do with limited resources!! Any ideas, materials - PLEASE send them my way!
God still teaching me alot.. About myself, about himself, and about the work he as for me! I have a lot in me I need to change still. It's all a process - Still reminded of the importance to spending time daily with Him - He is my source of strength and if I don't tap into the source, I have nothing to give. I have attitudes, perspectives, and other things I need to change... Culture shock, clashes, that I need to get over, get through. Confidence to build.
No, adventures lately. I am doing well. Things are going well. Just very busy right now. I hope all is well... Sent me notes, messages, a line to let me hear from you, know how you are, what's going on... Take Care.. God Bless.. I love you all.. Miss you all...
Friday, February 22, 2008
Are you willing?
Obedience. What does that mean? Leaving home, family, friends, comforts, luxuries. This past week has been a hard one for me. God is challenging me with this word, and what does it mean to be obedient. What is God asking me to do? Love Him with ALL my heart, ALL my soul, ALL my strength. That means surrendering all MY desires, all my wants, all MY dreams, and change them for His desires, His wants, and His dreams for my life. Giving up friendships - handing over, surrendering friendships to GOD. Placing them in His hands because God is asking me, "Do you love Me more then anything?" "Are you willing to hand over this friendship to ME?"
God is faithful. He is now giving me strength, He is drawing me closer to himself, He is preparing me. So many lessons that God is teaching me. Each day this week God has spoken a word of encouragement to me through my devotional times - God knows me and my needs better then I do. Even though I don't understand everything, I just have to be willing to say, Take this God it is yours, and not go back and pick it up again, but let it rest in His hands!
This week classes at school went a lot better then last week, the students demeanor was a lot different, more respectful, more calm. I could teach, do activities with the students and it was encouraging. Tuesday night I was able to go for a jog and get to know a new friend better, Carolina, then I went to a get together at another girl's house with Lori, to get to know other girls from the church better and it was a great bonding time! We played Hide and Seek tag, and freeze tag, and leap frog type game... It was fun. Wednesday did a children's program for one of the church plants and the lesson spoke to me as I was preparing it, from Exodus 4, about Moses and the burning bush. Moses says, "I do not speak well, I am not eloquent in speech," God replies, "Who is it that made your mouth? I will go with you and help you, give you the words to say." Moses says, "Send someone else." God used that to encourage me that despite my weaknesses, my shyness, God will use me, God wants to use me. I just have to be willing to let God use me to at all times. Get over being self-concsious, allow God to use me to bless other people.!!
Last night, we went to look at, to see a church plant that has been abandonded for 6 months. The town was beautiful, the place of the church over looks a valley, goregous. I began to see great potiential for this church, before we left Lori and I prayed for the church, the people, and the town. I just felt that God is going to do amazing things through this church plant - I'm excited.
OH! Conference. I spent last friday and saturday translating. The Annual conference of Venezuela met Saturday and the Administer was Superintendent David Harvey - I had to translate everything. Those of you who know me, I don't really like church business, politic stuff - let alone knowing the words in English and then translating to Spanish. Besidses that, the conference ran smoothly, I was able to communicate the important stuff to get business taken care of. The Superindent was grateful for my translations, Pastor Casto and others were impressed with my translating.. So I guess it went well.. I still have a ways to go with my Spanish, I just have to be patient and take advantage of every opportunity to speak and translate as I can!
God is faithful. He is now giving me strength, He is drawing me closer to himself, He is preparing me. So many lessons that God is teaching me. Each day this week God has spoken a word of encouragement to me through my devotional times - God knows me and my needs better then I do. Even though I don't understand everything, I just have to be willing to say, Take this God it is yours, and not go back and pick it up again, but let it rest in His hands!
This week classes at school went a lot better then last week, the students demeanor was a lot different, more respectful, more calm. I could teach, do activities with the students and it was encouraging. Tuesday night I was able to go for a jog and get to know a new friend better, Carolina, then I went to a get together at another girl's house with Lori, to get to know other girls from the church better and it was a great bonding time! We played Hide and Seek tag, and freeze tag, and leap frog type game... It was fun. Wednesday did a children's program for one of the church plants and the lesson spoke to me as I was preparing it, from Exodus 4, about Moses and the burning bush. Moses says, "I do not speak well, I am not eloquent in speech," God replies, "Who is it that made your mouth? I will go with you and help you, give you the words to say." Moses says, "Send someone else." God used that to encourage me that despite my weaknesses, my shyness, God will use me, God wants to use me. I just have to be willing to let God use me to at all times. Get over being self-concsious, allow God to use me to bless other people.!!
Last night, we went to look at, to see a church plant that has been abandonded for 6 months. The town was beautiful, the place of the church over looks a valley, goregous. I began to see great potiential for this church, before we left Lori and I prayed for the church, the people, and the town. I just felt that God is going to do amazing things through this church plant - I'm excited.
OH! Conference. I spent last friday and saturday translating. The Annual conference of Venezuela met Saturday and the Administer was Superintendent David Harvey - I had to translate everything. Those of you who know me, I don't really like church business, politic stuff - let alone knowing the words in English and then translating to Spanish. Besidses that, the conference ran smoothly, I was able to communicate the important stuff to get business taken care of. The Superindent was grateful for my translations, Pastor Casto and others were impressed with my translating.. So I guess it went well.. I still have a ways to go with my Spanish, I just have to be patient and take advantage of every opportunity to speak and translate as I can!
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Classes, Campamento, and "this is a . . . . "
Well, as some have you have commented, "Heidi, you haven't updated in a week!" I have not been around and then I have not had internet! Wow, lots of things are going on. The 2nd - 5th of Feburary I was at a camp meeting - 'campamento' for the the smaller churches around Maturin - we went about 3 hours away to another beach - camped in tents, enjoyed the ocean, the breeze, and sharing ONE bathroom for 80 people. Definitely a cultural experience to be a camp there. The evangelist was pentecostal, put a lot of emphasis on speaking in tounges - that was kinda weird for me.. I got to meet a lot of people from the churches I will be working with, and get to know people better!! I was also made very aware of the fact that this is very much a culture of 'looking out for number 1' I know it is human nature to look after your own wants first, I was amazed at every meal people cutting in line, not waiting in line for food, just going to the front and getting food, and like survival of the fitest. Sleeping in a tent, nah didn't bother me, the ocean didn't bother me either - but being dirty ALL the time with dirt, sand, and salt in the air. At the same time, I knew God was working on my heart, in my prespective of things, my attitude, and being able to be grateful for what I have. All of their services they provide a time for "Accion de Gracias" thanksgiving - giving thanks for being alive, everything - Recognizing that everything we have, each breath is a gift from God and we should be grateful for that! God is also working on my heart in other areas - of making friends, choosing the people I hang out with, so that I am around people that edify me, build me up in Christ and my walk with God. More then anything teaching me to rely on Him, and Him alone. Spending more time with him in praying, learning more scriptures, having His promises in my heart and mind when discouragments come, reading more scriptures, being in the word, b/c that is where my source of strength comes from! That here more then ever all my comforts are gone - security, friends, family, language, my house, - adult supervision for 2 -3 weeks Paul, Sue, Erick, Lori are in Caracas working with VISA teams - another venezuelan and I are staying in the house. God showed me by taking way my source of comfort here - the Caripe family - I am not allowed to spend time with them, and they have been my 'family' my security. God is telling me trust in me. I will take care of you. Everything you go to the Caripes for come to me.
I have to thank all of your for you prayers and ask especially more prayers as I am staying in the house with Keila. God answeredy our prayers yesterday all of you who are praying for safety and protection. Keila and I were visiting a friend to get a book and needed to buy groceries b/c there is not food in the house! We stopped at the closest store and looking for groceries and what the store had, we were finishing and I wanted to see shampoos to buy and we were walking toward the back of the store - when I heard a lot of commotion at the registers in front of the store - Keila was like, "Agachate, Agachate!" Get down get down... There is a guy with a gun, get down, hide... she was shaking and I started shaking... We stayed down and hide, praying, and I was praying I hope they didn't see me, b/c I'm american and they think we have money. One of the workers told us, it's okay they are gone. Keila threw all the stuff we had, and was like we are leaving.. I told her no I don't want to leave yet b/c I don't know where the robbers went. If they are outside close and they see me, who knows what can happen. We waiting a couple minutes - and Keila was like, hold the keys in your hand, and walk fast to the car. Nothing happened to us- we were safe but wow. We went to the grocery store at the mall - where this is security gaurds and everything.
At the mall we got ice cream, ran into Percy and his wife, a friend of mine who I had not seen yet. It was awesome to see him and talk to him a little... and buy some of the things we need. Everything here is a process - to buy groceries you have to stop at 3 or 4 different stores b/c government distribution of food, one day the store will have what you need, the next day it wont.. you never know what store will have what food, and when.. Last evening Keila wanted to go to the 'despedida' goodbye service for a missions team that was here building an orphanage... so we went and they asked me to translate!!! It was great practice and good experience b/c I am going to be translating for conference!! It was awesome to share with them and speak english for course! Meeting more people still, getting to know more people better, building more trust and confidence with people here. Gloria a Dios!!
I have to thank all of your for you prayers and ask especially more prayers as I am staying in the house with Keila. God answeredy our prayers yesterday all of you who are praying for safety and protection. Keila and I were visiting a friend to get a book and needed to buy groceries b/c there is not food in the house! We stopped at the closest store and looking for groceries and what the store had, we were finishing and I wanted to see shampoos to buy and we were walking toward the back of the store - when I heard a lot of commotion at the registers in front of the store - Keila was like, "Agachate, Agachate!" Get down get down... There is a guy with a gun, get down, hide... she was shaking and I started shaking... We stayed down and hide, praying, and I was praying I hope they didn't see me, b/c I'm american and they think we have money. One of the workers told us, it's okay they are gone. Keila threw all the stuff we had, and was like we are leaving.. I told her no I don't want to leave yet b/c I don't know where the robbers went. If they are outside close and they see me, who knows what can happen. We waiting a couple minutes - and Keila was like, hold the keys in your hand, and walk fast to the car. Nothing happened to us- we were safe but wow. We went to the grocery store at the mall - where this is security gaurds and everything.
At the mall we got ice cream, ran into Percy and his wife, a friend of mine who I had not seen yet. It was awesome to see him and talk to him a little... and buy some of the things we need. Everything here is a process - to buy groceries you have to stop at 3 or 4 different stores b/c government distribution of food, one day the store will have what you need, the next day it wont.. you never know what store will have what food, and when.. Last evening Keila wanted to go to the 'despedida' goodbye service for a missions team that was here building an orphanage... so we went and they asked me to translate!!! It was great practice and good experience b/c I am going to be translating for conference!! It was awesome to share with them and speak english for course! Meeting more people still, getting to know more people better, building more trust and confidence with people here. Gloria a Dios!!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
This Friday and Saturday Paul, Sue, Lori, and I went with teachers and staff from the school to a beach house for a retreat! It took like 5 hours on a bus to get there, b/c we had to stop 3 times but it was beautiful. It was a great time to meet and get to know other teachers and staff from the school and build unity with in the staff. We played games, went swimming and had 2 services - with songs and a message. All of which were great, and encouragement to me. Thinking of ways to help the school and help the students, gain students respect. I just have to love the students, take an interest in their needs first. The 1st message talked about that the model of a teacher, the best teacher there was was Jesus and Pastor Casto talked about the way Jesus taught.
The other message by Eliecer was also really good talking about committment, being committed to the work, and what it means to be committed. Challenging us to go deeper not just in our committment to God but to the school, students, and to each other. It was also a good time to meet and get to know Lori, the girl who is going to be working with me, teaching me, showing me around for 4 months here. It was really good... I will post some pictures when I get them downloaded on my computer!!
The other message by Eliecer was also really good talking about committment, being committed to the work, and what it means to be committed. Challenging us to go deeper not just in our committment to God but to the school, students, and to each other. It was also a good time to meet and get to know Lori, the girl who is going to be working with me, teaching me, showing me around for 4 months here. It was really good... I will post some pictures when I get them downloaded on my computer!!
Living from day to day.
As the weeks go by things get busier, I meet more people, want to build more relationships, and more activities are going on. A week ago Friday the main church here, "A Dios Sea La Gloria" had a 24 hour prayer and worship service where the youth stayed and prayed and worshiped for 24 hours. I was only there for the last 6 hours or so of it but it was an amazing experience. Even though I didn't head to the church for that reason, God knew I needed to be there and wanted me to be there. I came to the church to talk with Yuneidis, b/c I needed someone to talk to I was having a hard couple days, just wanted a hug and wanted someone to talk to! I talked with her and felt better and then just went in the church and sat in God's presence. That's really what I needed, to be still and know that He is God - listen to worship, and be refreshed, be encouraged by God. God knew exactly what I needed.
Friday and Saturday nights, the guys across the street in Parquecito, Eddie, Davy, Carlos, Grey always want me to go with them to 'piques' - drag racing with street cars, - it's fun to go and see the different cars, and a 'night life' culture of Venezuela as well!!
Days at the school are getting better there are still good days and bad days. The schedule is now a little different now that classes have gotten rolling and established somewhat of a routine. I know teach 1/2 of the class english while the other 1/2 of the class goes to music. I teach for roughly and hour. That's all. My new dilemma is how do I teach english when the students only have english ONCE every TWO weeks. I'm trying to think of vocabulary or themes to do, with the students, but feeling like they aren't going to remember anything from 2 weeks ago!!!!! Sure it's easy lesson planning because use the same lessons for 2 weeks with minor adjustments of course with what worked and what didn't work. I don't really know what to do - I have to make my own curriculum as well so I don't have anything to follow. Classes have been good overall, found activities that work to keep all students involved and participating - well with the colors anyways!!!! Thursday I took extra time to 'invest' in the life of the pre-schoolers so they! We had english for 20 mins - 30 mins and then they wanted to play so incorporating some english I just played with the preschoolers for an hour or so, it was awesome! When I was ready to leave they were like, 'No, no te vayas!! No puedes quedar y jugar un ratico mas!!!" (No, don't go!! Can't you stay and play a little longer!??) It was fun, refreshing just to run around and play with the preschoolers!!
All of the students need prayers, I know that classes are going better each week because of prayer. Thank you all for your prayers continue to lift up the school, teachers, and students!! Another prayer request - The 16th - 19th or so of Feburary is the annunal conference here in Venezuela and I have been asked to translate for David Harvey who is coming to mediate the conference. I need prayers for vocabulary and wisdom in translation!! Paul, Sue, Lori, Eddie, Carloyis, are going to be in Caracas - that leaves me the only one to translate!!!
Friday and Saturday nights, the guys across the street in Parquecito, Eddie, Davy, Carlos, Grey always want me to go with them to 'piques' - drag racing with street cars, - it's fun to go and see the different cars, and a 'night life' culture of Venezuela as well!!
Days at the school are getting better there are still good days and bad days. The schedule is now a little different now that classes have gotten rolling and established somewhat of a routine. I know teach 1/2 of the class english while the other 1/2 of the class goes to music. I teach for roughly and hour. That's all. My new dilemma is how do I teach english when the students only have english ONCE every TWO weeks. I'm trying to think of vocabulary or themes to do, with the students, but feeling like they aren't going to remember anything from 2 weeks ago!!!!! Sure it's easy lesson planning because use the same lessons for 2 weeks with minor adjustments of course with what worked and what didn't work. I don't really know what to do - I have to make my own curriculum as well so I don't have anything to follow. Classes have been good overall, found activities that work to keep all students involved and participating - well with the colors anyways!!!! Thursday I took extra time to 'invest' in the life of the pre-schoolers so they! We had english for 20 mins - 30 mins and then they wanted to play so incorporating some english I just played with the preschoolers for an hour or so, it was awesome! When I was ready to leave they were like, 'No, no te vayas!! No puedes quedar y jugar un ratico mas!!!" (No, don't go!! Can't you stay and play a little longer!??) It was fun, refreshing just to run around and play with the preschoolers!!
All of the students need prayers, I know that classes are going better each week because of prayer. Thank you all for your prayers continue to lift up the school, teachers, and students!! Another prayer request - The 16th - 19th or so of Feburary is the annunal conference here in Venezuela and I have been asked to translate for David Harvey who is coming to mediate the conference. I need prayers for vocabulary and wisdom in translation!! Paul, Sue, Lori, Eddie, Carloyis, are going to be in Caracas - that leaves me the only one to translate!!!
23 de Enero
I wanted to share a little about my visit to one of the new churches here near Maturin - 23 de Enero. Paul took me up there to look at some construction projects but I went just to know the area, see the church, even though I am not going to be working specifically with this church. While I was up there I played with the kids that were at the church. I asked them what they liked to do, they were telling me about shows they liked to watch on t.v. One boy about 10 years old, started going on, and on about this movie he liked with cars, racing and ramping and then was like another movie that I saw was about this widow and her son was dying and a prophet came and told the widow her son wouldn't die and asked for something to drink and eat, and she didn't have anything, but the prophet told her to make bread and you will not run out of flour and oil. . . I was like wow - he was so excited about this story, saying how cool it was!! And then continued to tell of another movie that was awesome - about Noah and the ark. It was really cool to see the excitment and energy of this boy telling, loving, stories from the Bible! 
This is the church - up in the mountains about 45 minutes from Maturin.
These are some of the kids that live right across from the church!!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Mi Casa es Su Casa!!
I now have 2 weeks of school under my belt. Learning more. Classes going smoother each time. Realizing how much schedules change and fluxuate. A 'normal' schedule is now I have 1/2 of the class for a full hour teaching English and the other 1/2 of the class has music for that hour. Next week the groups will switch. So really I will only see students every other week in class - makes planning easy 1 lesson plan for 2 weeks - but an hour is a long time for elementary students and their attention span etc!! The students are warming up to me and it's going well.

And the car that I will be driving - taking care off - all that....





I have wireless internet in my house now, hence the updates! Wednesday afternoon I drove for the first time here in Venezuela and well I only drove maybe a quarter mile from the mechanic's house to my house. I can handle that much. Thursday I drove from my house to the church for work (about a mile) and that was okay too, not much traffic!! I have to learn the roads mostly for where the HOLES are. There are more holes then there is road!!
I am all settled in for the most part here at the house. I feel comfortable and at home. Getting to know the neighbors better - this is my new house and street. . . The church of Parquicito - Los Diez Mandimientos is 2 houses down from me.
Now, the inside of the house - I don't know if you can see this picture very well but this is our living room - with yes furniture!! And then the following pictures are of my room and our bathroom - (Lori and mine)
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Por Fin. . .
Hey Everyone! I'm still alive - after a very busy - crazy week. I haven't had internet for about a week that is why you haven't heard from me. I have begun partial of my 'duties' this week. School started on Monday, even though I do not teach on Monday's I was up at 5:30 to be ready to be at the school at 6:30 to see how things are run, what takes place in the morning, to meet the principal and other faculty of the school. My jobs at the school are 1st and foremost teaching English and Christian Education. English I teach Pre-school - 6th grade and I have the students anywhere from 30 mins to an hour 1 day a week! Which presents a challenge in itself, to get to know the students and gain their trust and respect. Tuesdays mornings I also teach Christian Education for the 2nd graders for an hour. (Which I was told at 7:00 Tuesday morning - as I was supposed to be teaching the class) Needless today I was not prepared to teach 2nd graders for an hour - with 0 curriculum or materials.
Tuesday night I came back to write for advice - and make specific lesson plans which keep the students occupied and doing something - and wednesday and thursday classes went 100% better. It should be a challenge but a lot of fun at the same time because all materials are limited it's even hard to make copies for handouts - I don't like giving students busywork 'copying' from the board but that's what works for them - for a while of course. The students I am working with come from the poorests parts of Venezuela and are a challenge for discipline and respect. I love them though. I know that with the Lord's help, patience, and love for the students this will be awesome.
My 2nd job here at the school is working with the International Child Care Office helping out with whateer they need done and the major part soon will be translating letters from English to Spanish and Spanish to English. I think it will be a lot of fun.
Monday night I started studying here in the Seminary I have 2 classes every Monday night, Wesleyan Theology, and History of Discipline of the FMC - they will both be a little challenging b/c the majority of the grade comes from expositions - Speaking giving speeches and explaining things in SPANISH of course... I don't like giving speeches in English let alone Spanish.. It will be good for me though.
Wednesday nights are prayer meeting at the church... Wednesday was also the day I moved to Paul and Sue's House in Parquicito. . . aka my new house, my house for 2 years!!! It was good to be able to have 'my own room' and un pack and get more settled in in a house. The house is 2 houses down from the church there, it makes it very nice.
Thursday, taught here at the school, went back to the house and I am becoming a HUGE fan of this siesta thing from 12 til 3 I can go home eat lunch take a nap, then finish lesson plans, devotionals, whatever else I have to do. A tradition out there is sit w/ plastic lawn chairs on the side walks and talk with the neighbors... I met a lot of my neighbors and some of the 'guys' if you will from the area as we were sitting there talking 2 trucks drive by with 4 police in each of them, then a little bit later another truck w/ 4 more police drives by, then 15 motocycles w/ 2 police each on them, drive by, and then a truck that looks like dog pound trucks drives by - it was pretty exciting one of the guys that was sitting there with us was walking down the street and the police stoped him and padded him to check for guns and drugs... A different world for me.. Everyone there assures me that I will be fine and not to worry!! I haven't had any problems so far. ..
Paul tells me that I am going to start driving on Wednesday, I haven't worked up enough courage to drive here yet. . . Roads here are awful, they have random unmarked speed bumps everywhere, and where there are not speed bumps there are lots of holes in the road!!!! Basically here there are no rules, no stop signs, no speed limits, there are now traffic lights but you have to be careful b/c they do not obey the lights either...
Oh, this week we don't have classes on Tuesday b/c it is "Teacher Appreciation Day" - I don't have to teach until wednesday and they asked me to do the devotional for Tuesday morning so I need to start preparing lessons and the devotional. Then the 24th Lori is returning to help with orientation for me and showing me more of the 'ropes' here, the 25th -26th there is a retreat for all the staff of the school at some beack and I am going to. Then feb 1 - 19th Paul and Sue, Lori, Eddie - will be going to Caracas to help with the VISA team that is coming and I will be staying in the house with Keila to continue teaching at the school and the 16th of Feb is Conference here and a superintendent from the US is coming and I will most likely have to translate for him!!
I am doing very well, getting used to everything and how things work around here, it will take more time.. I am feeling more comfortable and confident as the days pass. Thank you all for your prayers....
I have a cell phone now here in Venezuela and the way of communication here is like 99% text messages so if You want to text me I should recieve it you can also call the cell -
#011 58 424 932 9085
I don't have internet hooked up, working at my house yet - I will try to update as I can, I have mondays and Fridays 'free' I will try to make a routine of updating every friday..... Keep praying, pray for the churches, dissension in the churches, for the students of the school... Thanks!!!
Tuesday night I came back to write for advice - and make specific lesson plans which keep the students occupied and doing something - and wednesday and thursday classes went 100% better. It should be a challenge but a lot of fun at the same time because all materials are limited it's even hard to make copies for handouts - I don't like giving students busywork 'copying' from the board but that's what works for them - for a while of course. The students I am working with come from the poorests parts of Venezuela and are a challenge for discipline and respect. I love them though. I know that with the Lord's help, patience, and love for the students this will be awesome.
My 2nd job here at the school is working with the International Child Care Office helping out with whateer they need done and the major part soon will be translating letters from English to Spanish and Spanish to English. I think it will be a lot of fun.
Monday night I started studying here in the Seminary I have 2 classes every Monday night, Wesleyan Theology, and History of Discipline of the FMC - they will both be a little challenging b/c the majority of the grade comes from expositions - Speaking giving speeches and explaining things in SPANISH of course... I don't like giving speeches in English let alone Spanish.. It will be good for me though.
Wednesday nights are prayer meeting at the church... Wednesday was also the day I moved to Paul and Sue's House in Parquicito. . . aka my new house, my house for 2 years!!! It was good to be able to have 'my own room' and un pack and get more settled in in a house. The house is 2 houses down from the church there, it makes it very nice.
Thursday, taught here at the school, went back to the house and I am becoming a HUGE fan of this siesta thing from 12 til 3 I can go home eat lunch take a nap, then finish lesson plans, devotionals, whatever else I have to do. A tradition out there is sit w/ plastic lawn chairs on the side walks and talk with the neighbors... I met a lot of my neighbors and some of the 'guys' if you will from the area as we were sitting there talking 2 trucks drive by with 4 police in each of them, then a little bit later another truck w/ 4 more police drives by, then 15 motocycles w/ 2 police each on them, drive by, and then a truck that looks like dog pound trucks drives by - it was pretty exciting one of the guys that was sitting there with us was walking down the street and the police stoped him and padded him to check for guns and drugs... A different world for me.. Everyone there assures me that I will be fine and not to worry!! I haven't had any problems so far. ..
Paul tells me that I am going to start driving on Wednesday, I haven't worked up enough courage to drive here yet. . . Roads here are awful, they have random unmarked speed bumps everywhere, and where there are not speed bumps there are lots of holes in the road!!!! Basically here there are no rules, no stop signs, no speed limits, there are now traffic lights but you have to be careful b/c they do not obey the lights either...
Oh, this week we don't have classes on Tuesday b/c it is "Teacher Appreciation Day" - I don't have to teach until wednesday and they asked me to do the devotional for Tuesday morning so I need to start preparing lessons and the devotional. Then the 24th Lori is returning to help with orientation for me and showing me more of the 'ropes' here, the 25th -26th there is a retreat for all the staff of the school at some beack and I am going to. Then feb 1 - 19th Paul and Sue, Lori, Eddie - will be going to Caracas to help with the VISA team that is coming and I will be staying in the house with Keila to continue teaching at the school and the 16th of Feb is Conference here and a superintendent from the US is coming and I will most likely have to translate for him!!
I am doing very well, getting used to everything and how things work around here, it will take more time.. I am feeling more comfortable and confident as the days pass. Thank you all for your prayers....
I have a cell phone now here in Venezuela and the way of communication here is like 99% text messages so if You want to text me I should recieve it you can also call the cell -
#011 58 424 932 9085
I don't have internet hooked up, working at my house yet - I will try to update as I can, I have mondays and Fridays 'free' I will try to make a routine of updating every friday..... Keep praying, pray for the churches, dissension in the churches, for the students of the school... Thanks!!!
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Feliz Ano Nuevo 2008
Happy New Year Everyone! I spent New Years Eve here at the house with Pastor Casto and Marlene. I helped cook the food and clean the house. We celebrated New Years with a dinner - there were 11 of us. We had 'asado' - like a roast, salad of cooked potatoes, cooked carrots, peas, and apples - in a mayonase dressing, 'hallaca' - the traditional food for Christmas and New Years - it is not like anything American. It has a corn meal soft mushy outside with meat, olives, spices inside - (taco style) - and they wrap it in a banana leaf and boil it. Peel the banana leaf off and eat it. I tried 2 different 'hallacas' one I liked the other I didn't like.

New Years is a huge celebration here everyone gets dressed up - and the set of fireworks and fire crackers for HOURS. I mean from 7 in the evening until 1 or 2 in the morning. Everyone in the streets setting off fireworks, dancing. . . The sky was filled with smoke from the fireworks. It was amazing how many fireworks were going off all over the city, let alone to think about how many were all over the country!!! Everyone stays up late with family and then sleep in late b/c nothing is open on New Years Day!
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